Friday 9 May 2014

OUGD 602// Thompson Brand Partners Feedback

The visit to TBP was great, easily one of the nicest studios I have ever been to and the people were very helpful too, offering to look at our portfolios again in the future and to help out in general. I have shown them my first portfolio now, I knew it needed some changes before hand but some of the stuff Jimmy said I should keep in and take out were opposites of what I had thought it would be.

Here are some of the notes I made during the portfolio crit:

-Talk through things on the page.
-Take the reader on a journey.
-Include more images of the WPP video.
-Use more work in progress images.
-Add more context to your identity work.
-The Ubergine looks great and more effort should be made to show off the logo.

Make more mac mockups with images on screens.

WPP images have to tell a story.
-Two or three lines per page.

Fedrigoni should be one page.

Target the portfolio to the studio you are visiting.

DHR- build this brief up some more. It looks great and should be expanded on.

Use the Text version of the UKSA logo.

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