Wednesday 21 March 2012


-Don't stay up past 1am on weekdays.
-Only go out to clubs once a week and pubs on another occasion once per week.
-Don't turn on TV when I get home early.
-Make sure I spend time with friends in the evening.
-Get out the flat every day.
-Make sure my whole flat in involved with the things we do.
-Try to free up weekend by doing all my work during the week.
-Buy some new clothes.
-If its sunny try to get outside.
-Call a friend and girlfriend every day.
-Take up bass guitar again.

-Wash up plates immediately after use.
-Try to eat fruit every day.
-Don't eat snacks every day.
-Hoover the kitchen area every fortnight.
-Do more cleaning tasks for the flat.
-Eat healthy meals, no ready meals.
-Shop around for cheaper deals.
-Purchase flat necessitates, ie washing up liquid every once in a while.  
-Keep on top of washing clothes.
-Keep my window open more often so the airless capsule does not give me headaches, even if I do live next to a motorway.

-Make sure all tasks I get set are written up in personal diary.
-A short task set on Monday should be finished by Friday.
-Blog everything I have done during the day at the end of the day.
-Continue to turn up every day.
-Stay in studios until all the work I set myself has been completed.
-Go to studios even when I don't have to.
-Make an effort during crits, speak up. Speak your mind.
-Do design sheets way before I start designing.
-Treat my computer like a tool and not a designer.
-Research new designers and post to design context blog every day.
-Join twitter or tumblr to follow other designers.

Saturday 17 March 2012