What is Industrial experience?
Being Involved with a studio
Seeing Designers in a professional workspace
Understanding of studio hierachy
Seeing your own practice in context
Applying and building knowledge
Putting the proverbial foot in the perverbial door
Getting advice
Becoming more aware of how professinal relationships are formed and maintained
Developing an understanding of limitations
Working on Live Briefs
What can you learn from industrial experience?
Learn about payment and payment processes
Costing and expenses
Management skills and responsibilities
More professional studio etiquette
How to work together and respond to briefs as a team
What form/format could industrial experience take?
-Visiting a studio to have a look around, talk to the designers and management.
-Paid placement, where you become part of the team for a short period of time, and get paid for you troubles
-Unpaid experience, where you have the opportunity to experience live briefs within a studio, however you will be unpaid.
- Working on competition briefs, I suppose that working on live competition briefs will give you similar real world design challenges. Experience will come from overcoming these
- Experience will also come from simply approaching studios in the first place, pitching yourself and having interviews with them, making phone calls with people in industry.
What areas of industry are you interested in?
-Games industry, I am interested in working with the games industry either in the publication and real world advertisement of games or the in game application of graphic design in game-world environments or user interfaces.
-Web design, for publication and editorials, displaying larger amounts of text, pictures and information as well as the opportunity to design information graphics to accompany articles, for display on the internet.
- Brand Identity, creating a brand identity, working in the black-art of advertisement. I'm interested in how people think, and how you can make money out of them. I also like the aspect of growing a new brand from scratch and creating a market for something new, inventions, products, people.
-I would like to be involved with the production of an app for the IOS or android market, designing user interface, branding and advertisement, as well as visual styles of the app itself be it in layout, character design, illustration or delivery of text and image.
-Social or Political design or artwork. Something which has slipped down my interests in the last year but something I have received positive feedback for in the past from designers and tutors I respect. Although this may contradict with some of my other interests for some people, I only express interest in many of these issues and find that the art of social and political commentary is not to express your own views but to deliver the facts of a situation without being forceful or arrogant, by being satirical and not belligerent.
What are your concerns about industrial experience?
- That I will be too inexperienced for my industrial experience.
- Going to work in a place which is wrong for me, or reciveing the wrong sort of experience.
- Being taken advantage of, large amounts of work for no money or being made to make coffee.
- Not getting a good range of work.
- Messing up contacts, making a bad name for myself.
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